
Successful freight cost management

Our freight tender helps you to reduce your costs in the long run!

It is not uncommon for freight costs to make up the largest cost block within logistics costs. Professional freight cost management is therefore elementary. With our intelligent transport cost management, significant savings are possible even despite the current transport market situation - and always with at least the same quality. Determine your savings potential with our free Freight Check.

The advantages of our logistics consulting

No financial risk

Compensation only after proof of savings & therefore 100% variable billing

Minimal time required

Minimal resources required on customer side

Own charter database

Wide access to supplier pools through our networks

Exclusive knowledge

of a transport producer with many years of expertise


Short-term return on investment

ROI of well below 1 year

High savings

of 24% on average in customer projects

Sustainable benefit

Processed data serves as a basis for own tenders in the future